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About Me

Hey, I am Severin Engert. I was born and raised in Leipzig, Saxony. I gained my general qualification for university entrance in 2015 and began studying “Media Computer Science” subsequently. I opted for Technische University Dresden due to its excellent educational training and research. The bachelor was completed in 2018 and followed by my master’s studies in the same field. In 2020, I officially finished my basic education by gaining the Master of Science “Medieninformatik”.

Next to my academic studies, I began working on different projects. In 2017, I got a license to work as a freelancer. Multiple websites were designed and developed by me since then. Additionally, I was employed as a student helper at Interactive Media Lab Dresden to support multiple projects in the research area of Augmented Reality. Directly after my Master Thesis, I started working full-time at the IMLD, developing and publishing a novel interface.

After successfully presenting my research in New Orleans at ACM CHI’22, I decided to move back to my hometown Leipzig. This also led to me leaving academic research. Instead, I got lucky and started to work as an Embedded Software Developer at nextbike. Here I get to work on diverse hardware/software projects concerning all components of its rental infrastructure.

2022 – now

Embedded Software Developer

@ Nextbike by TIER
Software Development for Diverse Rental Infrastructure including



@CHI’22 New Orleans
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

2020 – 2022

Research Associate

Research in HCI, Shape-Changing Interfaces, and Data Physicalization
Teaching Responsibilites in Physical Computing, Data Visualization


Master of Science

@ Technische Universität Dresden
M. Sc. Media Computer Science, Grade 1.2


Augmented Displays

@ CHI’20 Honolulu
Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Student Games Competition

@ CHI’20 Honolulu
Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems



We build our interactive game station TimeBOMB in 2018, presented it on major public events in 2019, and received multiple awards.
Star Prize @ Visionale Leipzig
Award @ mb21


Bachelor of Science

@ Technische Universität Dresden
B. Sc. Media Computer Science, Grade 1.6


Student Helper

Support for AR projects

2017 – now


Programming, Design, Photography


A Levels

@ Kant-Gymnasium Leipzig,
Grade 1.3